The Saint Augustine Fly Fishing community is a small tight knit but ever-growing community. This month we invite Don Reed to the head of the fly tying table for our monthly fly tying night. Don Reed was the original founder and owner of saltwater Fly Tyers, and Oyster Creek Outfitters. And that’s kind of where our story begins. Looking back at Oyster Creek Outfitters brings back some great memories. It’s kind of where we all met. It was a hub for fly fishing in Saint Augustine. Luke Blaser was manager, Matt Omlor helped out around the shop and that’s where I had my first art show. To have Don Reed at the head of our table for Fly tying night is an honor. He is someone we all look up to and admire. From his tying skills to a sense of humor there’s a lot to take in. We all learned a lot when his shop was open. We made new friends and felt a warm welcome sense of community. When Oyster Creek Outfitters closed in 2018, the Saint Augustine Fly Fishing community took a devastating blow. Fast forward to today where Old City Fly Shop is almost a year old. Same group of guys looking back and proudly standing on the shoulders of Don Reed, who built the community of Fly Fishing here that we all know and love. We hope you will join us Thursday, February 9th at 6 PM for an evening with Don Reed at the head of the table, tying one of his well-known patterns.